Publié le par kreizker


A Member of the international self-help group Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is visiting the Solomon Islands from November 9 to 16 to help set up regular meetings of AA here.

The AA member who, in keeping with AA's tradition of anonymity is here simply called Ian C., lives in West Australia and serves as one of AA Australia's two World Service delegates.

"AA in Australia is willing to supply literature and other support to help the Solomon Islands get AA going.

Some AA meetings were organised at this time but failed to reach sufficient momentum to keep going.
"We find it usually takes some years for people to work out how to make the meetings take hold," Ian says.


Article : link

Si vous voulez en savoir plus, rapport passionant 2007 de AA Australielink 

Agrandir le plan

Publié dans AA Monde

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